Бокс-сет, 2LP, Deluxe, Альбом, Лімітоване видання, Перевидання, Червоний
Watching Movies With The Sound Off
A1 The Star Room
A2 Avian
A3 I’m Not Real
A4 S.D.S
A5 Bird Call
B1 Matches
B2 I Am Who I Am (Killin’ Time)
B3 Objects In The Mirror
B4 Red Dot Music
C1 Gees
C2 Watching Movies
C3 Suplexes Inside Of Complexes And Duplexes
C4 REMember
C5 Someone Like You
D1 Aquarium
D2 Youforia
Bonus Tracks
D3 Goosebumpz (Bonus Track)
D4 O.K. (Bonus Track)
D5 Claymation (Bonus Track)
E1 The Star Room (OG Version)
E2 The Quest
Пн-Пт - 12:00-22:00
Сб-Нд - 10:00-22:00
без вихідних